her name was lulu,
she didnt know why.

born too late for disco
she settled for new wave
ambient and sad suburban ska

flew out to paris thanks to a dead grandma
saw every museum and after a week
hadnt talked to one man.
twenty two and never been frenched
what sort of vacation was this anyhow?

diego caught one look at her crossing the seine
took the tiparillo out of his dirty mouth
and no look flicked it off like a hair from his rod
as he prepared to do it for the third time
that day
with the second girl.

lulu knew.

everyone knew.

he brought her to his brothers flat
on the west bank
above a starbucks, put in counting crows
she said are you serious?
took it out, clomped over to the window,
and whipped it like a frisbee
nearly nailing a nigerian buying a crepe.

she couldnt get naked fast enough.
damn near fell over on diego and slid in
menace to sobriety by ugly kid joe
isla vista she said and did things
to the fortunate italian
that she had never done before
and he hadnt seen in months.

blog + home + skinny